Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well, at the academy, I got to see a lot of old friends, and a lot of my friends and colleagues in both academia, research, and the academy leadership. One, Bill Kolhepp, suggested that perhaps I might be a good candidate for an upcoming opening on the NCCPA Board of Directors. This might be interesting. It was a good trip overall, the House of Delegates was relatively quiet. The only item that even engendered any real interest was the debate over the switch to a 10 year re-cert instead of the current 6 year term. It was referred back to committee. Not bad considering that Medical Marijuana was on the agenda, and many of us who have been around for awhile were expecting a lot of heated debate over that.

Got to see old friends, and sat up one evening having drinks with two of the most respected PA researchers in the country. It was a little flattering that they both were quite interested in my opinions, and both are wishing to possibly do projects with me in the future.

All in all, a good trip.

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